Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Our Lord, Jesus Christ.... Amen!"

I love little kids! Today, we had our primary program. Our primary is only 18 months to 3 years old, though. We don't have any kids older than three in our ward.

So 6 parents got up with their kids and the kids mumbled their things like "Jesus loves me," and "Jesus died for me." and then the parents gave mini-talks and bore testimony. It was very sweet.

Some kids freaked out with the microphone, but most of them wanted to talk all day especially when they got the reaction from the congregation.

A lot of the kids wanted to say more, so the parents whispered in their ears what they should say and the kids sometimes whispered the same thing. One little boy said something where the sentence ended with "our Lord, Jesus Christ" and he added "AMEN" like a proud little boy who knew what came after saying Jesus Christ. It was adorable.

It made me so happy. Even these little children know who Jesus is. They know how prayers are said. They know that Heavenly Father and Jesus love them and that their parents love them. And they know that that is what matters.

I am thankful for little children who show us what really matters in life.


Liz said...

tonight Lu blessed her "bye-bees" and when I prompted her to bless Daddy to feel better (stomach virus this weekend) she kept repeating mommy to feel better over and over. hmmm....

Liz said...

meg asked me tonight how many days til you come. she got exicted-six sounds reasonable to her!