Tonight, J and I are trying out a local band in Caldwell. I'm hoping it will be pretty easy since it's non-tryout and I have student teaching to work on. I decided to pull out the old clarinet and make sure I could still play. When I opened my case, lo and behold, I still have a deck of cards in it.
I love cards. I have a ton of them! (see picture below) I love playing lots of different games. My favorites are pounce, shanghai, 3 to kings, and good old fashioned speed. ERS is fun too, but in the right company.
In high school, cards were a necessity. We played almost every day.... in my AP European History class. ( I learned a TON in that class! ;) ) I made sure I had a deck of cards in my purse, in my clarinet case, and I think even one in my car.
Cards were also always there at girls' camp. We loved signs. That's a fun one. Janet shared the best trick. So far, no one knows the sign who wasn't told!
Finding my deck of cards in my case brought back so many memories, I thought I would share!What was your favorite pastime in high school?
i just found out that my mom friend (our girls are in PreK together) and I both went to PA the same year, and she and I both considered the same person our best friend! I remember her but she doesn't really remember me-I hung out with erin during school and Mary hung out with her on weekends! crazy, huh!
I told Sam the other day that I watched John Wayne movvies and all five Rocky movies during my Physiology class in high schoool-he couldn't believe it! my teacher was the student council advisor so we'dhave a super short lesson each day and then paint student council posters while we watched movies. woo hoo for child slavery in Orem Utah!
ps-like the stars, and my favorite high school memory is choir trip to SFO!
My freshman year we would always throw a koosh ball around or play word association! those were super fun!! :) good times...great oldies!!
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