Wednesday, September 19, 2012

When Mom Was Here

My mom was scheduled to come on August 24th but Clark came on the 19th. When I told my parents I was at the hospital, they asked me when I wanted my mom there. I basically said I wanted her there as soon as I could.
So they changed her plane ticket and she came that night!!
So awesome!
She spent the first nights at my in-laws' place and then came home with us when I came home.

She cooked, cleaned, changed diapers, sewed, and just helped out all around.
It was so wonderful!

So here are pictures from when Mom was here

When we got home, there were decorations outside...

And inside! Kristin, J's sister, surprised us as well by making a poster and being inside when we came!

Here's all of our matching bracelets. When they would bring Clark in to me at the hospital, they would ask for our matching numbers.

My little boy

J's coworkers sent us gorgeous flowers at the hospital

I love this picture. I love having my baby fall asleep on me. It makes me feel so loved and needed. and there's just a special connection you get with your baby asleep on your chest.

I realize he's digging his fingers into his cheek, but it was so cute how he had that "hmmm" look on his face.

First bath at home
NOT a big fan

His outfit for the first outing he went on

These two melt my heart

heehee this picture is so cute. He's a little bean

My mom is kind of a sushi expert, so we had her help us make it and have a sushi night with J's family

The first book Clark got to have read to him was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom from Daddy. Clark just stared at him the whole time

When my mom left, we managed pretty well. I was quite a basket case when I dropped her off at the airport. Clark was screaming to be fed, so we both cried our way to a parking lot where I then fed him and cried some more. I really don't like saying goodbye to my mom. It makes me realize I have to be an adult and take care of myself. I remember the first time I said goodbye my first semester of college. We both sobbed quite uncontrollably. I was thinking it would get a little easier, but as I become "more" of an adult, it just gets harder and harder. The things that keep me going are the next visits, video chats, and phone calls.
She and my dad are coming up mid-October for Clark's blessing! Yay!


Jolyn Laney said...

It seems normal seeing you be a mom, but those pictures of Clark and Jason floor me. The instant I saw them I said (out loud), "Oh my freak! Oh my freak!" On each one. :)
He is adorable and every new picture I see of him makes me want to see him even more! I'm dying over here!
That sushi looks heavenly! And there's SO SO much!!! We missed out for sure!
Glad your mom was able to come and stay and help. It really does make a difference.

Emily said...

I loved the new pictures and I'm SOOO glad your Mama could come out to be with you guys! Don't even get me started on how hard it is to say goodbye to my Mom. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about how painful that is every time she leaves. Pregnancy hormone goodbyes are the worst too! I always remind myself as I'm balling, driving back home after dropping her off at the airport- that it hurts so much because we love each other so deeply. I would be lost without my Mama. it was good to see you and your cute little peanut at the VT confrence. I hope everything is going well for the 3 of you!

Jana said...

OOH, those outside decorations are AMAZING!!

And yay for moms; I'm glad she was able to come and help sooo much. And I love all the pictures of Clark's first few days around the house - what a doll!