Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What I Look Like When...

So you know those pictures that say "What I think I look like when....What I actually look like when..."? 
Well, my current one  that is plaguing me is this one.
Pretty sure it's true... :)

So here's what I look like when I'm running...

I got this awesome jogging stroller online for only $40! Awesome!

This is what my baby looks like when I'm running. I pull the blanket up really high so that the wind can be blocked. :)

And this is what C looks like after we run. I love the lopsided hat and the funny hair.

Which "What I really look like" pictures is plaguing you right now? :)

1 comment:

Jana said...

Well, you always look cute and sporty when I see you before/after you run! And Clark looks darling all the time, I love his little blanket wall to protect him from the cold and wind :).