I realize this is a random title and topic for a blog, but these were the first two pictures I had from the month of May.
A game of DND
And a self-inflicted bruise from a tantrum.
So it got me thinking.
1. I'm getting back my tantrums in spades
2. My opinions on video games and nerd-dom
Since tantrums was number one, here it goes!
When I was little, I threw epic tantrums. I knew how to do it. I knew how to get the attention I needed/wanted and I knew how to do it comfortably. Apparently there's a video of me out there throwing a tantrum on the hardwood. I then stop and move to the carpet.
Comfort first, of course…
Yesterday, we were talking about tantrums. Apparently my 19 year old brother in law had some nasty tantrums when he was little. I know, the sweet, awesome Ty had terrible tantrums?
Yeah. It was hard for me to believe.
When Ty was little, his uncle was over at their house during a tantrum. He said he remembered throwing tantrums like this (what? Who remembers tantrums??) and predicted when Ty would stop and ask to come out saying he was sorry and what would happen if mommy said no. He was right.
C knows how to throw tantrums. When he was smaller, he would throw his head back and land on the floor in an angry fury. It was hilarious. Sometimes his tantrums are still hilarious.
I am glad that I'm able to laugh through most of them, because I would really be a crazy woman if I didn't.
He throws tantrums for silly things. I love that link that I've seen floating around that says why the kid is crying. things like "I can't find my toy" which is sitting right next to him.
Half of the time, I forget why C is crying when I see the picture later. :)
The picture of him in his swimsuit is from a few weeks ago. He was crying because the water was too cold in his kiddy pool and I put his toys in there. He had to save every last one of them. And then cried and cried. It was rather comical.
I'm not quite sure why he was crying here. I do remember that I took off his pants so he wouldn't die of heat because crying is a warm affair.
These two are when my mom was in town and we went to Texas Roadhouse.
He wanted to see the stuffed moose head instead of eating.
Love it.
After that lovely display of the fact that every kid throws tantrums… ;)
I'll go on to number 2.
I'm a nerd.
I've talked about it before on here, but it's just a fact now.
Growing up, I loved Star Wars. Mostly because my hero brother loved it, too, but really, I went to Episode I 8 times in the theater.
Some might have been cheap theater and it was back when tickets only cost $5, but still. That's quite a bit, since most people hate number one the most.
Anyway, I love geeking out about things.
I started reading Harry Potter when I was about 10/11. I remember reading Goblet of Fire in my room on the bottom bunk listening to violin music through my first summer in Arkansas.
I even dressed up as "Nikki Fury" for the midnight showing of the Avengers. It was so fun. I even bought an eye patch.
I've been to all of the Lord of the Rings movies in the theater. I haven't read the books, but I think that's ok, since they're reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalyyyyyyyyy long. :)
And then, as you know, I also like Dungeons and Dragons. I enjoy pretending to be awesome. If you want to know what it feels like in the slightest, play a Munchkin game or Lego Heroica or Star Wars Minis. They're all quite similar.
I like that in Dungeons and Dragons, you get to become whoever you want. Not even a set perameter, really.
And I think that's ok. If it overcomes your world like that one show, I think, called the Guild, then it's not really ok. Obviously. :)
I also like video games. My little brother got an xbox when I was in my preteens.
I think.
12? 13? somewhere around there.
We played Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk, Amped, Rock Band, and Battlefront the most.
As a teenager, I decided I'd never play Halo or rated M games.
Then I met J. He was wonderful. He was perfect. We got engaged and I knew he played Halo, but I had decided I wouldn't play, so he could play sometimes on his own.
Once we were engaged and back at school together, he told me something that kind of determined how our relationship would look in the future. He told me he really likes Halo. He loves it, truthfully. He told me that it was his release from a stressful, long day. It was also so important to him that he wanted me to be a part of it.
I told him I'd think about it and figure out what I wanted to do. If it was that important to him that his wife play (and fail MISERABLY, as I was sure would happen), then maybe I should just play.
Looking back, I'm glad I decided to give it a try. I like sharing things with him. I love having similar hobbies and passions. I think it's important to do things that both of you like to do.
So I gave it a try. Oh my goodness, I hated it. I died all the time, I never got the aliens in time… it was rough! And then, when we were married, we would also play online with his friends, Tyson, Emily, and Brady.
I stunk.
So baaaaaaaad!!!
I was horrible!
We would even play games against each other sometimes and I would always be the fodder. I'd die the most, never win, and never really succeed. My greatest triumphs-with a winning score or, more often, not- were when I killed Tyson or Brady. Oh man, those gave me great pride and happiness. And J loved that. lol
Don't get me wrong, Tyson and Brady were great friends and I enjoyed their company, but I didn't really enjoy Halo and definitely didn't like how they played Halo when I was against them. :)
So then, as my desire to beat Tyson and Brady got bigger, so did my abilities. I got better!
As I got better, I enjoyed it more. -Who doesn't enjoy something if they are good at it?-
Well, I've played Halo Reach, 1, 2, 3, 4, and ODST. I love playing it now. It's a fun outlet and I like getting better at something-even though it's imaginary. I'm thinking critically so I think it's better than some things I could be into… :)
This is a picture of my character when she dies. I have hearts that float up. Love it. I wear red and black and my tag is SWAK-Sealed With A Kiss. I've kind of modeled it after Kissin Kate Barlow from Holes. :)
I really enjoy video games. I like playing with my husband and understanding what he's saying when he does play by himself and he does something awesome and can't wait to tell me about it.
I love that when my mom was here and J and I played late one evening while she snoozed a bit on the couch, an alien got blown up by a big rocket and it was impressive, so I asked J, "did you do that?" and mom answered, "uh huh." hahahaha Made me laugh.
I LOVE playing with my nephews. I didn't really like that they played Borderlands (sorry, I play it sometimes, too, but I think it's more M than Halo is), but I LOVE playing Halo with them! We play every few weeks and get through 2-3 levels together. One night, J went to pick up dirt for our garden with his friend (ironically, it was Brady) and I played Halo with my nephews (13 & 11).
My brother joined in and we played a few games against each other-zombies, mostly. I loved it!
What was funny is that when J got home, he then sat in Brady's truck and chatted while I was inside playing Halo. Complete role-reversal. It was funny.
So. Long long blog later, I'm comfortable in my nerd-dom. I like being a nerd.
I like that it is fun to dress up and be someone else for an evening.
I like that it brings my hubby and me closer.
I like that it is a conversation starter.
I like that it makes others smile when they hear just how nerdy I am.
I'm a nerd.
A band nerd.
A choir nerd.
A game nerd.
A book nerd.
A movie nerd.
But really, I'm a nerd.