Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Return to Reality and Snow!

FINALLY getting back to home, we had to return to reality as well. I had to accept that my life was going to be different. I had to help my hubby find a new job. I had to support and still be there for him.
It was kind of a shocker to return home after a month away.

C was happy to be home. :)

In one of the suitcases, we took home some of my inheritance from grandparents.
I was soooo happy to get home and see that nothing was broken! I was sooooo worried!

This was the day after we got home. It was all cold outside, so I wore my new sockies from Rachel and C took a nice, long bath until the water was cool.

Told ya there was lots of snow! This stuff stayed for a really long time!! When it did melt, more followed! It was crazy for Boise to get that much snow!

That first Saturday we were back, we went to J's parents' Christmas party. It was a breakfast and you could see Santa and also see the nativity. It was cool how they connected Santa with Christ's birth the way they did. They had Santa in this room, then a pathway through to another room (they had starry-looking plastic to make the hallway secluded from the rest). Then in the next room, they had a Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus all dressed up in a manger in a darker room. It was quite special.

C was NOT ok with Santa. Way too scary. hahahahahahahaha

C had to get out just about every toy he had to say hello to it

Playing video games with daddy.

C didn't know what to think of the snow, but he handled it well!


haha Ty's in Florida. Punk!

Since J didn't have his job, I was on the look out for subbing jobs. As if in an answer to prayer, one of my old friends from my student teaching asked if I could sub in her class. I've been sooo thankful for her asking for me specifically!

This is a tree in front of their school. The frost was beautiful.

Along with all of our frosty, snowy world, we also got inversion. It was CRAZY!! It stayed around FAR too long. I'm not even sure how long it was. Man, oh man! At the end of it, everyone was leaving on the weekends to seek higher elevation where they could be above our blanket of dreariness!

Pretty frozen tree.

The lake was…mostly…frozen over… :) 
Thankfully, J didn't fall in. He backed off before it started to crack. Yikes.

1 comment:

Jana said...

So crazy to see all these pictures and remember just how snowy and dreary it was there for a while! Yech!