Saturday, July 9, 2016

June 2015-First food, air show, reading books, and laughing

 Looks like I went running on the first of June! haha


Oh man, this was a funny experience. C wouldn't nap or something. A was asleep on my bed and C was locked in his room SCREAMING and kicking and banging on the door. A stayed asleep, so I went outside and read. It was a nice reprieve.

Big brother making Little brother laugh

Went to the splash pad with friends!
This cutie patootie is 2? months younger than A.
 Then we got donuts at a special event they had. They had a lot of deals last year...not so many this year...

Fundraiser for the youth, J got in the dunk tank. He loved it. and he wore the most horrible outfit for it...haha hawaiian shirt tucked in, socks and flip flops, mask on....yikes.

I got to entertain Gigi while her parents were singing for our entertainment!

Those legs!!

Keeping cool.

I think I took this picture because the man was pole dancing...hahaha

Love half-asleep faces.

He got this selfie thing down pretty well!

Ahhhh the days when he napped!

On Daddy's motorcycle

 Cute burrito. I had to wrap him really tight so he wouldn't get out...haha

Check out these photos! One is J as a baby and the other is A. I definitely won on some of the features, but most of them come from Daddy!
C wearing my shirt for pj's

Sleeping like the dead!

Love summer!

C's Father's Day gift. "I love you this much"

In April, I was called to be the Primary Chorister. 
I was terrified!
But there's a magical Facebook group where I get 98% of my ideas and they gave me this awesome one.
Getting Dad ready for Father's Day.

Big Blue Eyes

Big tummy!!!!!

One of my parenting wins.
He wanted to be an alligator throughout Target. I obviously let him. haha

My sunshine!

Reading "If You Give a Pig a Party."

So dapper!

First food! With Nana T on the iPad as well!

Eating and holding hands.
Melt my heart 

This is how I want to shop!

 These two are so cute. Such good friends!

The big boys went with Gpa to the air show close by and I stayed home with A, but we had to take a family photo with our baseball caps on!

C loved the planes and that made Daddy's heart sing!

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