That's right, folks! I'm Scuba certified!!!
My parents got us certified so that when we go to Hawaii (Sunday!!!) we can all scuba together. My mom and dad, Sam, Jake, Maria Mae, and Joe are all certified and now J and I are!!
Here's our awesome gear. Yes, my mask is white. You will always be able to find me!!
We borrowed J's dad's truck and here's our gear all strapped in.
This is Wendover. Yep. That's it.
In the distance is the Salt Flats. It just looks shiny/white.
This is on Sunday after all of our dives, with salty hair, and lots of sunburns...and sexy wetsuits! haha
Wendover Will welcoming us...or in this case saying goodbye!
Check out my awesome suntan!! :)
and J's!
Our sunburns turned mostly into tans. We both had a peeling scalp and forehead.
So now we're Scuba Certified!!!
I had a roommate who was certified too and she told me that she thinks of the song "Love Song" where it says in the beginning "head underwater and you tell me to breathe easy for a while" when she dives. I understand what she means now! It takes practice to breathe easy underwater!
In certification, you have to show how to recover a lost regulator, a knocked off mask, what to do if you run out of air, etc. The worst is taking off your mask. I've already threatened J if he knocks mine off. I HATED it!!! I had to take it off. To me, it belongs there. It will stay there, gosh darn it!! I hate how hard it is for me to just breathe from my mouth without my mask on. I always try to breathe through my nose. By the way, it hurts to breathe water. :)
Otherwise, it was fun! I loved the people. They're funny. I'm super excited to go diving in Hawaii where you can see further than 5 feet. Yes that's right, I could see my fins....barely...